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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  March 12, 2012 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. . this is the 10:00 news at condition tvu channel 2news. >> a quiet prayer vigil in berkeley one day after a massacre in afghanistan nah killed 16 civilians, most of them children. good evening. >> from afghanistan to the bay area there is outrage tonight over the killings of those 16 civilians. the attacks happened in kandahar allegedly at hands of an american soldier we have now learned was trained as a
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sniper. new, amber lee live at berkeley where afghanistan americans called an emergency vigil tonight. >> reporter: we are at berkeley's plaza. dozen of students and supporters gathered here to remember the innocent civillance who lost their lives in afghanistan. organizers say its one of many such gatherings. >> we want innocent people to stop dying. afghanistan and americans, it's not just afghanistan but military people dying as well. . >> reporter: students prayed for the victims of the weekend and the many innocent lives they say have been lost during the decade long war. this weekend's incident will damage the relationship between the united states and afghanistan. >> i'm fearful because we work
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hard here and they work hard over there. i know there is a lot of work and you don't want to run for nothing. >> reporter: many say they have seen corp. upping and poverty. y. >> this kind of thing goes on and there is taliban violence that kills people. we don't condone that either. >> do not forget this tragedy. remember the lives lost. >> reporter: these americans told us they are planning another vigil to be held this saturday. reporting live at berkeley, amber lee. >> and more details now. activists in oakland joined the chore us against the war. the group the world can't wait and others held what they called an emergency vigil this evening. they rallied outside the president's election headquarters.
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they demanded an end to what they called the illegal war in afghanistan. the obama administration spoke today with one voice denouncing the killings and offering sympathy to the victim's families. >> this is not who we are. the united states is committed to seeing that those responsible are held responsible. >> the secretary of state called the killings inexplain able. in 13 minutes rita williams will say what she has learned about the staff sergeant suspected. >> the we are on storm watch. bill is tracking some of the heaviest rain we have seen this season. >> yeah a series of storm, a few of them out there. they will impact us this week. that will impact your driving. this system is a thousand miles
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off shore. as the systems get closer the rain begins. over the course of the next few days we could see three to six inches of rain in some locations, right now we have showers showing up north of the bay area, they will work their way south. by the morning it's wet out there. as i point out this isn't just one storm but a series of storms many umbrellas will be needed. see you back here later. >> stay with us for continuing coverage. at 10:20 tomorrow's forecast and the morning drive. at 10:45 the week ahead and storms bill is watching. we will have the bay area forecast. >> new at ten more troubles tonight for the east bay's largest school district where negotiation with the teacher's union have stopped. heather holmes live where a large rally was held and she explains the main sticking
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point. >> reporter: there are two. the length of the contract, the union wants one year, the district wants two and the more controversial including furlough days, both of them leading to this headline. impasse declared. teachers tonight loudly rejected the latest offer from the school district. >> the more you cut. >> the less we go. >> reporter: the proposed two year contract includes repayment of last year's furlough days in rush return for possible furlough days next year. >> they want to pad their reserves. >> reporter: the union president disputes the needs for furlough days given the reserve fund balance. >> they have $30 million in reserve. even if there are cuts, we feel they could take some of that reserve and absorb the cuts before they start taking time from students. >> reporter: the district has mada veer caughts, closing two
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schools, increasing class size and creating a parent funded sports program. while the school board president said they have money now. >> we go negative in the tens of millions of dollars in three years. >> reporter: creating a scary situation. >> send me how you want me to make up the bunt cuts, what programs you want to cut and what you don't want that will equal what we would get in furlough days. >> reporter: the two sides met 12 times over the past seven months but have agreed there is no solution to their disagreement and will seek a mediator. >> five people are facing charges for an occupy protest onto berkeley campus that ended with a confrontation between police and demonstrators. you may recall these pictures november when officers were
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seen using batons on protesters. thousands had converged and a total of 39 ended up being arrested. four cal students and a professor are now being charged with resisting arrest and other crimes. >> an 11th hour plea deal in the case against the san francisco sheriff as we were first to report prosecutors agreed to drop three charges against him including domestic violence battery. in exchange the sheriff pled guilty this morning to false imprisonment. >> for the last two months this case has caused my family, my department, the sheriff's department, and this city great turmoil, pain and disappointment. >> in court today he made several apologies including to his neighbor who videotaped his bruised wife and told police about the incident. the sheriff is scheduled to be
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sentenced next monday to three years probation. he will be required to attend domestic violence classes, parenting classes and complete 100 hours of community service. a stay away order that blocks limb from contacting his wife will stay in effect until he completes some of the domestic violence classes. >> today's plea bargin doesn't promise that he will keep his job as sheriff. what several sources are saying about what could happen next. >> reporter: though the sheriff did not plead guilty to domestic violence advocates for victims pleased the sentence he will reportedly receive, especially the required counseling. >> given it has all of these elements attached to the famous imprisonment plea, it feels appropriate. >> reporter: but she said the mayor should now start the process of removing him from office. >> and now it's time for the political system to do its job.
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>> question will be if that is -- with in the category of official misconduct and whether it is the city's interest to proceed further. >> reporter: if he does start the case would be decided by the board of supervisors. several said some factions may be mounting a recall campaign, something that could start until early july. >> it's the publicly held office and to some extent the voters have a choice. >> reporter: many say they wouldn't hesitate to vote him from office. >> i would like to see someone new, new in office that -- would not engage in such behavior. >> reporter: some are willing to give him a second chance. >> that he does his counseling do what he need to do to be a better person to his wife and child. >> reporter: he has said he will not resign. in san francisco, rob roth.
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>> and on the website we have posted unedited video of his response. >> a man who was found badly hurt at a bart station is in a coma tonight and police say they need help finding out what happened to him. he was found near pay phones on the concourse level at the civic center station around 12:30 on friday afternoon. the agent said she heard the man hit the floor. the man is white, about 6 feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. he a red shirt, blue jeans and white shoes. an accident involving a tanker truck is tying up traffic on the coming skiwear. the truck overturned about 10:30. it was carrying one thousand gallons of fuel additive which is flammable . the chp said it expects to have coming see youway full i had repoped by
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midnight. >> her fight for medical marijuana went to the supreme court. in 12 minutes why the woman said she was kicked out of a hospital tonight. >> and a giant step forward for dreams of bringing bart to the south bay. the next big hurdle the project faces. >> the girl scout found ires, one smart cookie. we go to a
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(car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters.
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. new, across the bay and the nation tonight. girl scouts celebrating their 100th birthday. web ralph is in pleasant hill to show us how they have changed while holding onto tradition. >> reporter: we all know the familiar cookies but long before there was thin mints there was juliet gordon loe. >> i will try to --. >> reporter: ten million girls in 143 countries know those words and tonight a few hundred gathered in pleasant hill. >> happy birthday to us. >> reporter: at 12 minutes past seven singing the praisest their founder a girl born in 1860. >> they are so ufun. so many benefits and opportunities. it's amazing.
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>> i worked hard. girl scouts earn badges but they have changed. >> creative cooking, i would love to open a bakery. >> i remember getting a patch for making a bed. . >> reporter: this a leader snow said success has always hinged on changing. >> you have to keep them motivated and interested. like doing a lot of outdoor things, camping, exploring things. >> reporter: tonight's party included camp fire songs and cookies to munch on. they win respect even from their brothers. >> they go hiking, you know -- they go camping. >> we learn all about business and -- we learn how to care for the environment. >> reporter: it's about fun and friendship and more. >> and to live by the girl scout law. >> reporter: when juliet died
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women had just won the vote. today hillary clinton a former girl scout is secretary of state. big strides in a hundred years. >> happy birthday to you. >> reporter: and in allen temple baptist church hundreds of girl scouts, troop leaders and pants marked the birthday. one said it's a pleasure to see them learn their voice. most importantly she said the girls learned to live by the law of making the world a better place. >> federal, state and south bay officials today celebrated nine hundred million dollars in federal fund that will help finally bring bart to san jose. they it help fund the first ten mile link from fremont to north san jose.
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ground breaking on the project is scheduled for april 12th. next on the agenda is how to raise the money needed, the rest of the money needed to fund the four billion dollar extension to downtown san jose and on out to santa clara. those interested in learning more about the state's business plan for the 100 billion-dollar bullet train can do so at a meeting. the chairman of the high speed rail authority board will make a presentation and residents will have a chance to voice concern or support. .being held at the mountain view center tomorrow at seven. >> turning now to the race for the white house. candidates campaigned in two deeply conservative states, mississippi and alabama. it's a three way race pitting romney, santorum and gingrich. >> people who know us best, foam who have worked with the speaker, with senator santorum
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have lined up behind me. >> people want a conservative for sure, they want to --. >> reporter: two polls give gingrich a small lead in alabama and another shows romney with a bigger margin in mississippi. san francisco is home to the first lgbt super pack on its blog they say they support the president and plan to support his campaign through social media. members say their goal is to reach one million people and raise a million dollars by summer. it features donation links, and a link to involve. >> the staff sergeant accused of killing 16 afghanistan civilians, is a father himself. if found guilty he could face the death penalty. investigators want to know why
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. why a staff sergeant walked to two villages, breaking in to homes and killing civilian, including three women and nine children. >> he pulled a boy from his sleep shot him. >> reporter: the staff sergeant now in custody who caused such grief is 38, a father, husband, trained sniper. four months into his first deployment in afghanistan. the soldier also served three tours in iraq and sportly suffered a mild traumatic brain injury there in a noncombat related roll over accident in 2010 but deemed fit to return to duty. >> we know our young men and women in uniform are under a lot of stress first of all. we need to make sure that we are able to identity those who are on the brink. >> reporter: barbara lee said
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there is no excuse for the killings but stress could be a cause. >> i'm worried we will see more of this. >> reporter: a new poll take especially just before the killings showed that 60% of americans surveyed think the war in afghanistan is no longer worth fighting. rita williams. >> there is word tonight from santa cruz that a surfer died. the surfer was found unconscious in the water, not far from a break known as the hook. he was pronounced dead at the scene. the man was -- had celebrated his 60th birthday and had been surfing more than 40 years. temperatures cooled off.
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63 concord. the weather system moving in now. it's weakening up as if gets close to us. here we are tomorrow morning, south bay from -- san francisco south you look dry for the morning. look what happens here. 12:00 -- it stalls out in the north bay. we are looking at scattered light showers for the bay area for the morning mainly north of san francisco, as we get into the afternoon it hangs there, interesting, the model changed around from about four hours ago. we get into ten you see more scattered showers, morning drive wet, the rest -- the most of the rain will linger in the north bay. when i come back we will roll the long range models. >> a sunnyvale woman who was visiting hawaii for a teacher's conference fell into a stream and drowned. she was swept in to the water
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on saturday. her body was found washed to sea the next day. she was hiking toward the inland waterfall. the two mile trip requires several stream crossings and she was hiking a day after flash flood warnings were lifted. a witness saw her fall and called authorities. she is survived by her husband and two children. >> up next why a woman said she was kicked out of the hospital tonight. >> they
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen.
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come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. ? a long time medical my my advocate said she was thrown out of the hospital for using marijuana. we caught up with her outside a different hospital. she has a terminal illness and
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said she had permission to use it but a pharmacist said she couldn't and when she wouldn't stop she said she was thrown out of the hospital. >> medicine i have been using for a long time and i have used it in there before after surgery. i have done it in post op. back in 2007. >> reporter: after leaving she said she suffer aid seizure and was taken to the hospital. we have contacted the medical center but officials haven't responded. in the north bay thiefers almost ended a little league season before the first pitch. the expensive equipment taken over the weekend. >> reporter: maybe the only thing more american than baseball is little kids playing little league. >> getting to play and getting to bat and like getting to hit home runs.
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>> reporter: the valley little league struck out today before anyone stepped up to the plate. over the weekend someone jumps the fence. >> they took a pry bar. >> reporter: broke in to the storage shed and took two pitching machines, a chalk liner umpire gear. >> good ones got pulled. this won't fit me. >> reporter: three thousand dollars of equipment. >> we live in a world where someone will try to take anything. are you stealing kids. >> reporter: and the kid's have something to say. >> why did you steal the stuff? >> they should bring it back. >> reporter: the community is already stepping up to the plate. the lesson for the kids, baseball is a lot like life. you win some, you loose some, but it's how you handle the losses that counts most. >> that's good for them to see too that people really do care
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and you know at the end of the day there is more good people than bad. >> reporter: police are looking for pitching machines for sale online trying to strike out the thieves,. >> san francisco city planners are considering a scaled down version of a shimmering sky scraper to be built next to the rants bay terminal. it's about 130 feet shorter than the previous proposal but would still be the tallest in the city. it would stand 60 stories high. gordon is closing its restaurant and brewery. the company said it couldn't work out a new lease with the landlord so it's current bill will expire on april 28th. they are looking for a new location in the same neighborhood. its been there since 1992. >> the digital highway will have an off ram in downtown san
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jose. why it'll be a free ride. >> mountain lions, rattlesnakes and now a few kind of warning ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] offering four distinct driving modes and lexus' dynamic handling, the next generation of lexus will not be contained. the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. ♪ i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing.
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carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t.
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. san jose bills itself as the capitol of the valley but some say its lacking a major technology. >> reporter: let me show you something. that white cone on this light pole is part of a free wifi system set up in downtown san jose eight years ago but it doesn't work. >> it's got one bar and cuts in and out. >> reporter: that's why they
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are butting in a if you free system providing faster access to the internet. >> downtown you expect it to -- it would be a shame to have to be stuck like we have to go from this one to the next though you are in a major area. >> reporter: businesses say it'll help attract people downtown. >> funding free and -- people use it. >> reporter: the city said it'll have wider coverage with 30 reception points instead of the current 16. it'll cover a one and a half ware mile area, bordered by east saint joe's, south 6th street. city officials say that 94,000- dollar system will offer video streaming. >> it's a must in my opinion. it attracts the right crowd of people to downtown who are tech savvy. it promotes arts and entertainment and supports businesses. >> reporter: san jose was one of the first big united states cities to offer free wireless
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internet and now it's improving the technology. >> silicon valley there is always going to be that attraction for wifi and everything high tech and digital and what not. >> reporter: the system will be used to connect wireless parking meters and keep the downtown better connected. an area that's got an estimated daytime population of 50,000. the new wifi is scheduled to be in place by this summer. live in downtown san jose, ktvu channel 2news. >> two bay area high tech giants set to face off in the courtroom. yahoo filed against facebook for patent infringement. they warned the giant last month about possible legal action. they are listing ten patents. facebook said it found it puzzling plan putt up a fight. it was an up and down day for the stock markets.
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the do dow up but the nasdaq closed down. >> the invisible children group that produced a popular video on child soldier social security defending itself against critics. >> i understand why a lot are wonder is this just a slick fly by night thing when actually its not. >> reporter: are the new video tries to explain how they use money to help children such as the ones shown in the video. the ceo said 80 to 85% of all the money goes toward the cause and the travel expenses in part for three thousand free movie screenings each year. the comic strip is starting controversy. this week's series is using graphic images of satire as -- directed toward a texas law that requires women to have ultrasounds before abortion.
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the papers have decided not to run them while others said they would bump them to the opinion page or website. >> san bruno announced a major settlement for the pg&e explosion. it calls for them to pay the city $70 million. the money doesn't go directly to the victims, instead it is up to the city to determine how to spend it. this settlement on top of a trust that was set up by pg&e to pay for structure repairs. the mayor showed the settlement as funnive damages. >> we believe it's unprecedented. we as a city have been harmed to. we are victims in this disaster. >> reporter: the explosion killed eight people critically injured others and destroyed dozens of homes. the money won't come from customers. state investigators blasted pg&e for keeping disorganized, difficult to access records on its gas pipeline.
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the california public utilities commission has been investigated if the record keeping violated any laws and contributed to the explosion in san bruno. they are facing millions of dollars in fines for violating safety rules. >> the government filed a 25 bilateral dollar settlement over the mortgage crisis. 20billion will godward helping homeowners. it'll reduce the loans of a million who owe more on the mortgages than their homes worth. right now about 11 million homes are under water. about 750,000 who were improperly foreclosed on were receive $2,000 each. a warning is out for dog owners along a popular hiking trail in berkeley. it's all because of what's nesting in a nearby tree. a hiker today points out the tree where this it great horned owl has made its home. a nest made of tree bark on top
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of a popular hiking trail. this is a spot where s.o.p. hiaest lets her dog go free. park rangers warning people to keep their pets close. >> i usually take off but i didn't . >> i just try to keep dogs on the leash through the areas waited where they are nest nests. >> reporter: some have said they have seen the owl swoop down on dogs. noun have been hurt. doug bell said the owl is defending her nest and the eggs inside. >> she doesn't know the difference between what she may think of as a coyote or a dog. >> reporter: bell said keeping their your dog on a leash will keep them from becoming prey. >> that will lessen the likelihood of the owl wanting to fly at the dog because they don't want to confront a human. >> reporter: we showed bell some of the video we got of the
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owl today. >> she is very alert. her horns relationship. >> reporter: with its eyes wide open. bell said it's unlikely it would pick up a small dog they can do a lot of damage with their claws. it's likely these warning signs will stay up for the next couple months until the eggs hatch and the owls leave the nest. in berkeley, alex savage. channel 2news. >> a warning tonight to i- phone use owner who use siri. the risk you are taking every time you use that software. >> back here in just ten minutes live storm tracker, has showers showing up north of the bay area. they will be here just in time fort morning. >> and a feeding frenzy with hundreds
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. the aclu sending out a warning to people who use siri on their new i-phones, it helps keep you on schedule or provide answers but the aclu said that all of that spoken data is being tracked by apple. apple said the information is used to help improve it. the feature is also the focus of a new lawsuit, face class action lawsuit against apple. the man proponent said it does president work as well as apple claims and he is a caution them of false advertising. he is hoping to end the sale of the newest i-phone and collect damages. >> a 23-year-old man, acknowledged guilt in the death of a woman he struck and killed with his bike. he plead guilty to it manslaughter and was sentenced to three years probation. last july he ran a red light and hit a woman who suffered
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head injuries. as part of his probation he will have teach bikers about safety movement an appeals court ruled a 22 year sentence for a terrorist was to right. he tried to set off a massive bomb at lax during the celebration. fouling his conviction he provided information on al- qaeda operations but later stopped cooperating. government appealed the conviction saying was below the guidelines of 65 years to life. >> in news of the world tonight in syria the government and the opposition both agreed today there that been a massacre and most of those killed were children. each side is blaming the other and the number of victims differs as well. the government said 17, the opposition says 45. the deaths all happened in the city of holmes where rebels had control until they were driven out. in australia take a look at this. a school of sharks in a feeding
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frenzy spotted. nearby beaches were closed as a precaution. there were more than 60 and others attacking tuna. some of them were more than seven feet long. one expert said aing in victim this is common but not so close to shore. in italy, researchers say video probes may have found a hidden masterpiece by davinci. they have seen the types of paint that could have been used by him in 1505 to paint a famous battle scene. they have been searching for the mural for centuries. >> owners of the building that's home to the gold dust lounge filed shutoff against the bar owners for failing to leave. the lounge was issued a 09 day termination notice in attorney. interne for the . its
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>> the debut of an electric car here in the bay area. >> i don't think they should a >> a major cosmetic company makes's bold news. >> and live storm tracker 2 showing storms taking aim at the bay area. bill martin
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look! here she comes! ♪ she'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes... ♪ ♪ when she comes. ♪ it'll be spinning new chrome wheels when it comes. ♪ ♪ when it comes. ♪ custom spoiler, race grade pistons, ♪ ♪ gt35 turbo charger. ♪ and they'll all know that it's kevin's awesome car. ♪ bought em! ( clears throat ) sorry.
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? mill valley firefighters made quick work of a fire this evening. a viewer sent us this video after he reported the fire. it burned some grasses behind the mill valley sewage treatment plant. it start add round five and was declared out 15 minutes later. nothing burned nobody was hurt. animal rights groups say
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millions of animals suffer each year to determine the safety of make up. john fowler says why those tests could be ending. >> reporter: people say it's appalling and many say they only buy cosmetics that claim to be not tested on animals. >> cruelty to animals when -- for something that is a very superficiale thing. >> i think they should find other ways. >> reporter: that is big news today at . >> we stop animal testing for finished product. >> reporter: loreal saying it'll give the epa $1.2 million to test 20 ingredients with the robot forecaster. it can replace animals. europe next year bans sales of animal tested products. >> the problem we have right now is the only possibility is to do it on animals models.
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>> strange the reason is because the european union is requiring them but then they come to the eps because we have the best models. >> reporter: the machine can find if a chemical causes burke defects, cancer or other health problems. >> these are test that let us see how the chemicals interact with human cells or human molecules. >> reporter: results expected in eye few months. by law united states companies aren't responsible for the safety of tens of thousands of chemicals in the environment. today's partnership could point to a solution to that problem. john fowler >> we have new information this to the channel 2news room. uc san francisco just responded to our call about angel reyes who said she was thrown out of the hospital for using medical marijuana. they said it doesn't allow the
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use of vaporized marijuana saying even that form of medical marijuana releases particles in to the air that are damaging to the lungs. the statement said that could impact others in the hospital. >> sunnyvale city leaders asking the public what they think about a ban on smoking in parks and outdoor dining areas. the parks and rec commission voted to recommend the ban to the city council. sunnyvale is asking residents to pull out a survey to weigh in on the issue. that survey can be found on the city's website. the deadline for taking the survey is this saturday. a study out today suggests a link between red meat and the risk of premature death. eating unprocessed red meat is also linked to heart disease and cancer. the school of public health studied 120,000 people for more than 20 years many the author pointed out that it even though the study suggests a link they didn't find a direct cause and
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effect. >> the president's approval rating has taken a hit. his job approval rating has dropped from 50% last month to 46%. 50% disapprove. 65% donta prove of how he hand manied gas prices. >> the newest electric car debuted today as the first one rolled off the production line. this is the production model number one. the four door sedan is all electric with a range of 125 miles. the price tag is just over $27,000. as many as 200 people will be employed at the new plant by the end of the year. san franciscoa making it easier for people who own electric cars to charge them up. the city revealed 26 new charging stayings in front of city hall.
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also there are plan tossed another 33 stations by the end of the year. the city has a total of 49 charging stations available to all drivers for three until next year. >> and we have showers showing up well north of here. the live storm tracker two looking for rain in the bay area, there are just a few low clouds, i expect a lot of the green just lower levels of the atmosphere being moistened up as that system gets closer. you increase the humidity and -- then the real front gets here after midnight it triggers off the scattered showers, we are looking at clouds increasing, humidity increasing, overnight temperatures will be in the 40s and daytime tomorrow scattered showers, mainly in the north bay for the morning drive. you go late in the day the afternoon drive in san jose looks wet as well. we are looking at scattered showers throughout the bay area, throughout the day tomorrow mainly starting in the
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north bay. here is what the model does. it's over tuesday through sunday. the rainfall is a bulls eye on the north coast. i'm talking around crescent city. this is a couple congratulations. that's not a lot of rain for this time of year tuesday through sunday. the central bay, three inches, two inches as you go further soup. we will see how that pans owl. we have a series of the storms coming, none of them look amazing like this one i'm looking at right now. 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, rain showers in the north bay. san jose, san rafael you have light showers, about 1:00 look where it lingers right there. scattered showers and then around 10:00 you see the showers drop in to the valley. this looks like low grade, light scattered showers for the bay area tomorrow. with that said you will look up the roadways in the north bay and we could see drizzle around the peninsula tomorrow, midmorning as well and that will slow you down. that's how it go. here is how it goes no
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wednesday morning, that looks wet. doesn't look like a big deal but it's there. with that said it will slow you down. here is the next one thursday and we will watch it as it heads up in to the mountains. snow levels starting to lower. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. they will be cooler than they wered to with the cloud cover and the chance for showers. low 60s down in santa clara and the five day forecast, you know just showed you on the model that -- the weak eastbound that storm. five and six. we will still see scattered showers but it has backed off on the intensity. tomorrow morning, authority bay showers, after that scattered showers for the rest of us. >> lingering for the rest of the week . yeah. >> thank you. >> the silicon valley guru who dropped out of college is going to teach at stanford. is he a pay pal co founder and
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early investor of facebook. he offered $100,000 to drop out and try their hands at a start up. now he will teach a start up class at stanford for 250. there is still seven weeks before class starts and it's wait listed. >> big news from the 49ers. today they signed someone who has proven he can be one of the best receivers in football when he wans to be. sports in a moment.
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. mark is here with sports. i guess if jim could do it with alex smiths have you to figure he can do it with randy moss. >> the coach, well i'm guessing coach harbaugh very pleased with what he saw judging by how quickly the wheels move. randy moss works out for the team this morning around 11, several hours later signing the contract with san francisco, all reports indicate the 35- year-old is in great shape physically. he is there mentally -- he is just what the 49ers need. an a list receiver, hall of fame it'll be incentive laden deal, moss will be on a short leash when it comes to
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attitude. sharks, skating on thin ice of late and it's come down this. 14 games left in the regular season. win the vast majority or trade the hockey stick for a golf club and vacation time for the sharks. 1-1. sharks have been 0 for the last 13 in power play. patty -- joe thornton. you need that guy to score more. his 51st. now 2-2 in the third. another power play. the tip in, danny boyle shot and they have the lead for good. they have a point behind colorado, it does break a five game skid for the sharks. this time of year you can write anything off as -- spring training, who cares, when tim got absolutely hammered in his last outing, giant fans take not. all is right again in the word of the freak, tim, four innings gives up only one unearned run and than one infield hit.
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he struck out four and the giants take kansas city. 2-1 the a's, all about hitting this afternoon against the white sox. they spray out 15 along the way. brandon allen that's good context. two run bullet to right. up jake peavy. 9-4 beating of the white sox. help its turned in to the achilles heel for tiger woods, withdrawing from his last tournament because of an achilles strain. he is hoping to get back in it in a week. that is the sporting line up for a monday night. you will hear a lot more about randy moss. everybody will have an opinion. i just say trust jim hear bug. harbaugh. >> he could be great. that could be a great addition.
12:28 am
>> thank you for trusting us. we will see you the next time news breaks. >> the morning team will track rain and how it's affecting the [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t.
12:29 am
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